Oahes Burnt Cookie of Doorcreek
DOB: February 14, 2012
OFA: Good
Cerf: Clear
PFK: Clear
AMS: Clear
Sire: Ballymena’s Pint of Guinness
Dam: AFC FC Corazon Chyknell Oak Cookie
Ash is a 26 lb Black female that was bred by Tom Ness of Oahe Kennels is Menoken, North Dakota. She is a HOOT! Ash was born on Valnetine’s Day and everyone LOVES her. Ash plays by her own rules when it comes to field trialing and no one is going to change her mind. She is a remarkable retriever and her nose is phenomenal. Ash is now a hunting dog and enjoying every minute of it; she can do whatever her little heart wants and Chuck just follows behind her and shoots birds…LIFE IS GREAT!